Talking Matters Blog

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Tackling assignments

Written assignments can be challenging for students with language and literacy difficulties or other special needs.  Here are some ways to help plan and produce a written assignment. Share these ideas and strategies wit… Go to full post

Body awareness

Proprioception is a person's awareness of their own body in space. This sense allows us to keep track of where our body parts are without having to look at them. While you are sitting and reading this you can rea… Go to full post

ASD: Think and feel

Today is a the last of a series of blogs on autism for Autism Awareness Month.  Today we are looking at some topics that challenge kids with High Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome: developing theory of min… Go to full post

Strategies for ASD

To continue with our focus on autism for autism awareness month, here is a recap of some of our past blogs on strategies for working with kids on the autism spectrum. The right strategies can make a huge difference to a … Go to full post

Older kids visuals

Our last post looked at visuals for younger children but visuals are great for school aged children too, especially those on the autism spectrum.  Visuals can help school aged children with daily activities, learning, b… Go to full post

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