Using HEDBANZ To Grow

This post is going to focus on how you can use common games to help develop your child’s communication skills. Today’s blog is focused on the game Hedbanz! This is a game that most people know how to play that is fun and can involve many players. Have a look at how Hedbanz can support your child’s communication skills:


  • Increase vocabulary by brainstorming various adjectives, nouns, verbs and concepts

Expressive language

  • Ask your child for a hint - this gives them an opportunity to provide a descriptive sentence including adjectives, verbs and nouns (e.g. ‘this fruit is orange and grows on a tree’)
  • Use flexible thinking skills to change the rules of the game - for example, ask your child to pick a card at random, and then describe their card using 5-10 descriptive words
  • Practice using full, grammatically correct sentences and questions (e.g. ‘Am I an animal who lives in the ocean?)

Understanding language

  • Read the instructions of the game together- You can either sit down and read alongside your child, or to make it more challenging, read the instructions out to them, encouraging them to rely on their listening skills
  • Write down some key rules and refer back to them as need be
  • As the game progresses, your child will have to recall several pieces of information about their card. This is a great opportunity to recall the information together (e.g. ‘I know that I am big, heavy, furry and live in a zoo’)


  • Recognise nouns on Hedbanz cards (e.g. ‘helicopter’, ‘rhinoceros’, ‘telephone’)
  • Read through the instructions together with your child

Social skills

  • Model appropriate fair play skills with your child (e.g. responding appropriately to winning and losing, sharing and turn taking)
  • Remind your child of the importance of following the rules within games, to ensure that everyone has a fun time and a positive experience
  • If your card depicts a person or even an animal, you can discuss with your child what this person looks like (e.g. how do you think this person feels based on their facial expression? Do they look happy, scared or embarrassed?)
  • If your child has difficulty using their fair play skills remind them of what may happen if they demonstrate poor play skills (e.g. people may have unexpected thoughts about them which may result in people not wanting to play with them)
  • Providing supportive comments at the end of each game (e.g. ‘thanks for playing’, and ‘good game’)

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